针 刀 医 学 Brief Introduction of Accupotomology 一、 针刀医学的定义 1. Accupotomology and Accupotome (一)定义: 针刀医学是将中医学的基本理论和西医学的基本理论融为一体并再创造而产生的一门新的医学体系。 I. What Is the Accupotomy? Accupotomy is a new medical system established by combining the basic Chinese traditional medicine and the modern western medicine as a whole and then making innovations based on accupotomology. 两种医学融为一体的根据: The basis of the amalgamation of the Chinese traditional medicine and the western medicine is as follows: 第一、无论是中医学还是西医学,它们研究的对象是相同的,那就是人体。都是研究人体生理、病理和诊治方法等,共同追求的目标就是-控制疾病的发生、发展和治愈疾病恢复人体本来的健康状态。 Firstly, both the Chinese traditional medicine and the modern western medicine share the common object of study, namely, the human body. In detail, they both study the hominal physiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment, etc. Moreover, both of them are in pursuit of the same target, that is, controlling and healing the diseases, making patients' recover to the original healthy state. 第二、无论是中医学还是西医学,对东西半球人类的繁衍和健康都起过重大的作用,对疾病的治疗都有良好的疗效。著名的哲学家黑格尔说:"存在的都是合理的",中、西医学能够流传发展到今天,说明了它们存在的价值,也说明了人类的健康需要它们。人为地否定中医学或西医学;或过分地强调中医学或西医学,都是不妥当的,不合理的,相反,应取它们各自精华部分加以整合,再运用现代科学的新成果加以提高,使之融为统一的,新的医学体系是完全可能的,也是完全应该的。 Secondly, whether the Chinese traditional medicine or the modern western medicine had played most important parts on the human being's multiplying and health caring. They both have good curative effect. The famous philosopher Hegel had said, what exists are all reasonable. Since the Chinese medicine and the western medicine can go down and develop well up to today, they must worth their existence, and they are required to protect human being's health. It is unadvisable and irrational to negate artificially or emphasize literally either of the two medicines. On the contrary, we should absorb the essential parts from the Chinese traditional medicine and the modern western medicine and integrate them, and then make innovations in virtue of the modern sciences. Thus it's possible as well as absolutely necessary to establish a unified and brand-new medical system. (二) 针刀---闭合性手术的器械: II. What Is the Accupotome? 针刀是一种兼有针和刀两种性能的一种治疗器械。定义:凡是进入人体时是针的理念和作用,在人体内进行治疗时是刀的功用的各种医疗器械统称针刀。 Accupotome is a kind of medical instrument for closed surgery. It merges needle's and scalpel's functions into s single whole. We can definite accupotome as such a instrument that when it enters human body it plays needle's role with needle's theory, while after entrance it begins to play scalpel's part during treatment. 依据不同治疗的需要,针刀有多种类型,但最常用的是平刃针刀,该型针刀有I型、II型、III型三种基本型号,I型又分为长短不同的四种,分别记作:I-1、I-2、I-3、I-4,见附图: To meet different therapy need, different kind of accupotome would be applied. The most common used kind is the flat-blade accupotome. It has three basic types, type-I, type-II and type-III. As for type-I, it has four models base on the different length. They are named I-1, I-2, I-3 and I-4. See Figure 1. 针刀分为柄、身、和刃。柄为扁平葫芦状,厚度为2mm;针身为圆柱形,直径1mm;刃为楔形,末端平齐,刀口线宽0.8毫米,厚0.2mm An accupotome consists of handle, body and blade. The handle is about 2 mm. thick, flat, just like a calabash. The body is columniform with 1mm diameter. The blade is subuliform with a flat tip. The tip is 0.8mm wide and 0.2mm thick. 二、 针刀医学的四大基本理论 2. The Four Great Basic Theories of Accupotomology 针刀医学有四大基本理论--闭合性手术理论、慢性软组织损伤病因病理学理论、骨质增生的病因学理论及经络实质理论。 There are four basic theories in acupotomology: theory of closed surgery; etiology and pathology of chronic soft tissue injuries; etiological theory of hyperosteogeny and the theory of the nature of Meridian system. (一)关于闭合性手术的理论 Theory of closed surgery 关于闭合性手术的理论共有8个方面的内容,这8个方面的研究成功使闭合性手术成为可以操作的技术。 The theory of closed surgery consists of eight major parts, which make closed surgery an operational technique. 过去国内外不少医学专家都试图研究出一种减少创伤,减少痛苦、疗效又好的闭合性手术方法,如内镜外科学,注射外科学,钥匙孔外科学等等,这些外科学都无法代替现代的外科手术,有的只能治疗1-2种疾病,且疗效多数不能令人满意,究其原因主要是因为这些外科学是建立在开放性手术的基础理论之上,没有建立起闭合性手术的基础理论。 In the past years, many medical experts all over the world had tried to invent a kind of more effective closed surgery with less trauma and less pain, such as endoscopic surgery, injection surgery, keyhole surgery, etc. However, all these surgeries cannot take the place of modern surgery because most of them can only cure a few kinds of diseases, and the effects are not satisfying. The key reason for this limitation is that these surgeries are based on the theory of open surgery; and there is no theory for closed surgery at all. 外科手术英文名词叫Operation,即是打开来施术的意思,可见不打开是不能进行现行的外科手术的,做手术就得打开,且外科教科书上说:"手术时术野越清楚越好",不打开怎么能做到呢? The English word "operation" means "open" to operate. That is to say, surgery cannot be done without "open", and "open" is the first requirement for a surgery. The textbook of surgery said: "as for the scope in the surgery, the clearer, the better", how can this be true if not opened? 开放性手术有它自己的一整套基础理论和操作技术,如麻醉技术、止血技术、复苏技术,无菌技术、输血抗休克技术和较完整的生理学和解剖学基础理论,这些技术和基础理论是针对和适应于开放性手术的,而闭合性手术不能生搬硬套。 There is a set of basic theories and operational techniques for open surgery, such as anesthesia, hemostasis, resuscitation, aseptic manipulation, anti-shock transfusion and integrated basic theories of physiology and anatomy. All these techniques and theories are for the use of open surgery and may not be taken directly into closed surgery without adaptation. 这些技术和理论是不适用闭合性手术的。闭合性手术必须建立起适合于自己的操作技术和基础理论,针刀医学做到了,因此针刀技术得到很好的发展和实施。这套理论包括微观解剖学、立体解剖学、动态解剖学、体表定位学、闭合性手术的进针刀方法、闭合性手术的手术入路、闭合性手术方法以及适合于闭合性手术的工具--针刀。 Actually, these techniques and theories do not fit for closed surgery. Closed surgery has to build up its own operational techniques and basic theories. This has been accomplished by acupotomology; and this is why acupotomology was well developed and achieved. This set of theories includes microanatomy, steoroanatomy, dynamic anatomy, body surface location, acupotome entering method in closed surgery, operational route in closed surgery, methods in closed surgery and the tool for closed surgery------acupotome. (二)关于慢性软组织损伤病因病理的新理论 New theories in etiology and pathology of chronic soft tissue injuries 关于慢性软组织损伤,多年来人类在不断的探讨它的病因,并提出了各种理论,如无菌性炎症学说,闸门学说,激发中心学说等九大学说,这些学说都从不同的角度提示了慢性软组织损伤病理过程,但均没有全面的从根本上解决慢性软组织损伤的根本病因问题。 For years, the etiology of chronic soft tissue injuries had been discussed, and nine different theories had been advanced, such as aseptic inflammation hypothesis, gate-control theory, stimulation center hypothesis, etc. These hypotheses disclosed the pathological process of chronic soft tissue injuries from different angles, but none of them answered the key question of chronic soft tissue injuries------the real cause of the disease. 针刀医学提出了新的理论,即认为动态平衡失调是慢性软组织损伤的第一位的主要病理机制。 A new theory was advanced in acupotomology that the disorder of dynamic balance is the No.1 pathological mechanism for chronic soft tissue injuries. 软组织的一大生理特征就是运动,动是它的第一本能,动是绝对的,不动是相对的,不管病与不病,都存在着动的问题,因此,它的病理变化就不可能离开动态而孤立地、静止地来研究它、认识它,只有在动态的情况下来研究它的病理变化,才能抓住该类疾病的本质。那么何谓动态平衡失调呢? A major physiological characteristic of soft tissue is action. Moving is its basic instinct; moving is absolute, not relative. No matter ill or not, moving exists. So the research on their pathological changes could not be carried out independently and statically. The only correct way of such research is to consider the pathological changes in a dynamic environment. Only in this way, could the nature of such diseases being disclosed. Then, what is the disorder of dynamic balance? 所谓平衡,就是在生命活动的制约下,在时间和空间的限制下,在特定的量和度以内活动。所谓动态,就是指人体外在的活动状态和人体组织器官内在活动状态。那么用一句话定义之:人体器官在正常生命活动允许的范围内,在特定时间和空间的量和度以内,自由的活动状态就叫人体的"动态平衡",反之则叫"动态平衡失调"。 Balance means actions under the control of life activities; within the confinement of time and space; and within certain quantity and range. Dynamic means the external active state of human body and the internal active state of human organs and tissues. In a word: The free active state of human organs within the permission of life activities and certain time and space is called "dynamic balance", otherwise, "disorder of dynamic balance". 动态平衡失调是对慢性软组织损伤的病因病理进行的总体概括和把握,它是根本的也是第一位的病因。因为我们不管治疗那一类慢性软组织损伤疾病,只要将它的动态平衡恢复,这个疾病就可以得到根本的治疗。而造成动态平衡失调有四大病理因素,即粘连、疤痕、挛缩、堵塞。我们要想使动态平衡恢复首先就要将这四大病理因素清除。 Disorder of dynamic balance is the general idea for etiology and pathology of chronic soft tissue injuries; it is the basic and the most important cause of such diseases. No matter which kind of chronic soft tissue injury diseases we faced, we can always cure them by restoring the dynamic balance. The four main pathological factors that cause disorder of dynamic balance are: adhesion, cicatrix, contracture, and block. The clearance of these pathological factors is required for effective restoring of dynamic balance. 导致这四大病理改变的直接原因是损伤,损伤有多种形式,总结如下: (1) 暴力性损伤 (2) 积累性损伤 (3) 情绪性损伤 (4) 隐蔽性损伤 (5) 疲劳性损伤 (6) 侵害性损伤 (7) 人体自重力性损伤 (8)手术性损伤 (9) 病损性损伤 (10) 环境性损伤 (11) 功能性损伤 The direct reason for these four major pathological changes is injury. There are many different kinds of injuries: (1) Violent injury (2) Cumulative injury (3) Emotional injury (4) Concealed injury (5) Fatigue injury (6) Invasive injury (7) Human body self-gravitational injury (8)Surgical injury (9) Pathological injury (10) Environmental injury (11) Functional injury 修复 损伤 组织细胞破裂-渗出-水肿 修复能力大于再损伤-痊愈 血管破裂-出血-血肿 修复能力小于再损伤-不良修复产生粘连、结疤、挛缩和堵塞-导致动态平衡失调 Repair Injury tissue cells broke---exudation---edema Repair activity overwhelmed reinjury---recover Blood vessels broke---bleeding---hematoma Repair activity weaker than reinjury---bad repair cause adhesion, cicatrix, contracture, and block ---result in disorder of dynamic balance 这样的结果使肌肉或其他组织不能在体内自由伸缩滑动,因而限制了软组织的正常运动和血液、体液的正常流动。除这些机械性运动受限,还有生物体自我保护性制动。针刀可以在几乎无创伤的情况下切开剥离粘连、结疤、挛缩的异常组织、解除堵塞恢复动态平衡,这也就是为什么针刀有奇效奥秘之所在。 This will result in the loss of free stretch and sliding ability of muscle or other tissues, and therein limit the normal flow of blood and body fluid inside soft tissues. Other than the limitation of these mechanical movements, self-protective brake of human body is another aspect. Acupotome can cut and detach the adhesive, cicatricial and contractured abnormal tissues, remove clog and restore dynamic balance with almost no trauma. This is where the miracle of acupotome resides. 举例:L3横突综合症,肩周炎(有治疗前后对照),腰椎滑脱症 Examples: L3 transverse process syndrome; scapulahumeral periarthritis (control: before and after treatment); lumbar spondylolisthesis (三)关于骨质增生的新的病因学理论 New etiological theory of hyperosteogeny 骨质增生性疾患是全球性的疑难病症,中老年发病率很高,世界各国医学界对它的生成原因都进行了大量的研究,目前广泛认为骨质增生的原因是退行性变。 Hyperosteogeny is a global difficult disease; it has a pretty high incidence in middle aged and senior people. Medical organizations all over the world had made a lot of research in the cause of the disease and preliminarily conclude that the cause of hyperosteogeny is retrograde affection. 所谓退行性变,就是老化的意思,而人的衰老是不可逆转的自然规律,那么老化也就是不可逆转,老化不可逆转,退行性变也就不可逆转,因此,骨质增生疾病也不可能得到根本的治疗。事实是不是这样呢?针刀医学给出了答案,即:人体内力平衡失调是骨质增生的根本原因。 Retrograde affection is a kind of aging, which was considered as an irreversible natural law. So hyperosteogeny could not be cured because aging is irreversible. Is this the truth? Acupotomology gave the answer: No! Disorder of human internal force balance is the real reason for hyperosteogeny! 力有三要素;即大小、方向、作用点。这三个要素缺一不可,力的表现形式是多样性和复杂的,但在人体内不管多么错综复杂的力均可以概括为三种力的形式:即拉力、压力和涨力,同时存在相对应的应力,即拉应力,压应力和涨应力。 There are 3 essential elements of force: magnitude, direction and application point; these 3 elements coexist at all time. Forces could be various and complicated, but all the complicated forces inside human body could be divided into 3 categories: pulling force, pressure and tension; and there exists the respective stresses: pulling stress, compressive stress and tensile stress. 图1 拉力与拉应力 图2压力与压应力 图3涨力与涨应力 Figure 1. Pulling force and pulling stress Figure 2. Pressure and compressive stress Figure 3. Tension and tensile stress 当骨关节和附于其上的软组织损伤时可产生骨关节微小移位,肌肉、韧带等软组织挛缩变短导致力平衡失调,产生高应力,机体在调整和对抗这种高应力时骨质增生就产生了,所以骨质增生是人体自我调节功能的对抗性调节的结果,在某种意义上,有保护性作用,既然如此,以往那些切骨剌的做法显然是不能解决问题的,另外,药物消除骨刺也是不可能的,因为,骨刺的化学成份就是骨,倘若能清除骨刺的药不也同样也把骨给消除了吗?所以,治疗骨质增生症在于调整力平衡,当异常力和高应力去除,恢复力正常的平衡后,骨质增生便得治,骨质增生可以自行消退。 When bone joints and the attached soft tissues were injured, the minor shift of joints may happen, and then the contracture and shortening of muscle and ligaments will cause disorder of force balance and therefore result in high stress, which cause hyperosteogeny to occur. So hyperosteogeny is the result of counter regulation by human self-regulation mechanism. To some extent, it has a protective effect on our body and the method of spur excision is not an answer for the disease. Using chemicals to clean the spurs is not a good idea either. If the chemical works, it would also clean our bones away, because the chemical nature of spur is nothing but bone. The key point in hyperosteogeny treatment is the adjustment of force balance. After the abnormal force and high stress being released, hyperosteogeny will sure be cured, and the hyperplastic bone could disappear automatically. 就象劳动时因磨擦力的作用,手上长出老茧,这茧可保护手的血管神经不受损,无人把老茧当病去治疗,当停止劳动一段时间后,无磨擦力的作用了老茧会自行退掉。 例:①跟骨骨刺治疗,②膝关节骨性关节炎 Just like the calluses on our hands formed from the abrasion in labor. Calluses could protect the blood vessels and nerves in our hands from being hurt, and no one regards them as disease. After you stopped labor for a period of time (there is no more abrasion), callus will disappear automatically. Examples: ①calcaneal spur treatment,② knee joint osteoarthritis (四)关于经络实质的理论 Theory of the nature of Meridian 针刀医学通过研究发现人体内存在着一个庞大的生理线路系统,其主要干线就是中国古代医学所描述的经络。因时间有限,仅能简要介绍,如感兴趣可另找时间讨论。 Through acupotomological research, we found that a huge physiological route system exists inside human body. The mainline are exactly the same as described in traditional Chinese medicine as Meridian system. Since the time is limited, I can just give a very brief introduction. If you are interested in the topic, we can discuss sometime else. 三、 针刀治疗的特点: 3. Accupotomology's Advantages 针刀治疗实现了疾病治疗的五大转变:变不治为可治、变难治为易治,变难愈为速愈,变痛苦性治疗为几乎无痛苦治疗,将有创伤性治疗变为几乎无创伤性治疗。 Accupotomology have realized five great changes that from incurable to curable, from difficult and painful treatment to easy and painless treatment, from traumatic treatment to non-traumatic treatment. 针刀治疗有见效快,方法简便,痛苦小、花钱少的特点。 So, the accupotomology has many advantages, such as instant effects, easy performance, less pain and low cost, high cure rate, etc. 例如:对某些颈椎的治疗,用手术的方法需要住院治疗2-3个月才可以康复,病人要经受手术的大创伤和痛苦,还需花3-5万人民币的治疗费用,而用针刀治疗则只需2-3周即可康复,不用承受手术的痛苦。花费也仅有3-5千元人民币,节省10倍左右的费用。 Take some cervical osteohyperplasia for example. It need about 2 to 3 months' hospitalization to recover by surgery. The patient usually need suffer operations' hurt and pain. And it cost about 30 to 50 thousands Yuan. While with accupotomology therapy, it only needs 2 to 3 weeks to recover without operations' suffering. And the cost is just 3 to 5 thousand Yuan. 四、 针刀医学产生的历史背景和意义: 4. Historical Background And Significance of the Naissance of Accupotomology 在西方医学发展过程中被许多难解的医疗问题所困惑和东方医学急需现代化的历史背景之下,针刀医学创始人朱议章教授背负起历史重任,在充分了解和掌握西方医学的基础上,加之本人又生长在产生东方医学--中医学的故乡,自幼从医,对自己祖国的医学研究甚深,他从探索和研究东西方文化角度入手,对两种医学的认识上升到了很高的高度,最终得以将两种医学融为一体,并进行再创造,而产生出一种崭新的医学理论体系--针刀医学。 When the western modern medicine was faced with lots of challenges on treatment and got puzzled, and simultaneously the Chinese traditional medicine was badly in need of realizing its own modernization, Professor Zhu Hanzhang, the founder of the accupotomology, took on such a heavy task. Thanks to his hard work on both kinds of medicines, he had great attainments on both the western medicine and the Chinese traditional medicine, especially the latter since he was born in hometown of the Chinese traditional medicine and began learning medicine at his early age. By studying and comparing the western and the eastern cultures, he got a high level of understanding about the two kinds of medicines. He integrated the two medicines and made innovations. At last, a brand-new medicine system-accupotomology was established. (一) 历史背景: I. Historical Background of the Naissance of Accupotomology 1.西方医学的困惑:16世纪随着西方文艺复兴时代的到来,具有代表性的西方哲学即数理哲学、创立这一哲学的思想家同时又是自然科学家(如牛顿、伽俐略等)。这一理论体系的典型特征是形象思维模式,这种思想方法直接影响到科学、文化、艺术、政治等各个方面,使西方文明得到了空前发展。在这种背景下,西方医学形成了。所以西方医学必然是形象思维模式的产物。 a.The western medicine's puzzles: In the 16th century, as the Renaissance Times arrived, the mathematical philosophy became the most typical western philosophy. The founders of this mathematical philosophy, such as Newton, Galileo, etc. are also great natural scientists. The typical character of this philosophy is thinking in images. This made of thinking directly affected science, culture, art and politics, and thus promoted the western civilization's rapid progress. Then the western medicine system established. So, the western medicine undoubtedly derived from the thinking in images. 西方医学内、外科基础理论的奠定,使得其在几百年的发展中获得了辉煌的成就。但同时也产生了许多问题,如内科方面抗生素抗药性和副作用等问题十分突出,许多化学药物还存在潜在的副作用,对人类构成极大威胁(如四环素造成了一大批人"四环素牙"),假设它损害的不是牙齿而是心脏、大脑等重要器官那后果将不堪设想。实际上,目前许多化学药物都存在着潜在的副作用,因为有些副作用是用现在的方法无法得知的。在外科方面,手术并发症和后遗症的发生率极高,使外科手术难以让人接受。窥其一点展视全面,解决这些困惑是摆在现代医务工作者面前的重大难题。 After the foundation of both medical and surgical theoretic bases established, the western medicine had made rapid progress and got great achievements in the following hundreds of years. However, many problems such as the antibiotic drag resistance and side effect posed together. In fact, though we can not know precisely now but it is certain that many chemicals' potential side effect is seriously imperiling human being. Take tetracycline for example, it made lots of people get tetracycline-teeth. Suppose what the tetracycline damages is not teeth but other important organ such as heart, brain, the consequences would be too ghastly to contemplate and even disastrous. As for the surgical disadvantages, we can see that operative applications and sequalae occurring rate is very high, which made surgical operations more and more unacceptable. In summary, how to solve these problems is difficult for modern medical workers. 针刀医学就从理论到实践全面地将中医思想的精髓应用到西医学上去,使现代西医学进入一个崭新的历史阶段,解决了西医学本身无法解决的矛盾,使西医学去粗取精,其优势得到最大限度的发挥。如很小的"针刀"(刃宽0.8mm,厚0.2mm)将西医的部分创伤很大的开放性手术变为几乎无创伤性的闭合性手术,既克服了西医外科手术损伤大并发症和后遗症多的不足,又运用了西医学的解剖学、病理学知识,精确的诊断定位和施术。 Accupotomology fully applies the essential thought of Chinese traditional medicine to the western medicine from theories to practices, which makes the modern western medicine step into a brand-new historical stage. Accupotomology gets rid of the western medicine's shortcomings and maintains its strong points, develops its advantages as fully as possible. Such a tiny accupotome, with a blade only 0.8mm wide and 0.2mm thick, turns some traumatic open surgery into non-traumatic closed surgery successfully. 2、东方医学急需现代化: 以中医学为主的东方医学博大精深、历史悠久,对保证人类健康起到不可替代的作用。它产生于东方文化背景下,所以它和西方哲学具有截然不同的思维方法。中医学是抽象思维的产物。 2.The oriental medicine to be modernized The oriental medicine, mainly the traditional Chinese medicine, is very complex and have existed for thousands of years, playing a very important role in protecting human being's health. As it was created under the orient culture background, the oriental medicine accordingly has quite a different way of thinking from that of the western. The traditional Chinese medicine could be seen as a result of abstract thinking. 因中医学处处都存在着抽象的概括性的和不具体的描述,很难用现代科学来理解它,所以,中医急需用现代科学的理论加以研究和阐述。中医能够现代化吗?回答是肯定的。中医能流传达几千年经久不衰,就是因为它有很好的临床疗效,有自己整套的理论体系,即其本身是具有科学性的。仅仅因为我们的祖先在创立这一学术时,是以抽象思维的方法加以概括的,所以给其蒙上了一层扑朔迷离的"外衣",因而与现代科学产生了很大的距离,同时,因为在两千年前人类也没创造出今天这样辉煌的科学成果,中医也就无法从中得到借鉴。 Now that the traditional Chinese medicine is full of all kinds of abstract concluding and inexact descriptions, most of which still are difficult to understand from the point of modern science, it urgently need modern scientific theories to illustrate and analyze. But is the modernization of the traditional Chinese medicine possible? The answer is yes. Just because the traditional Chinese medicine has its own theoretical system and satisfactory clinical effect, all of which are scientific elements to some extent, it can survive thousands of years. The main reason separate the traditional Chinese medicine from modern western medicine is because that when our ancestors founded it with methods of abstract thinking, which add confusing "coat" on it.? In addition, there were no modern scientific fruits like today for the ancestors to learn from two thousands years ago. 因此:东方医学的代表--中医学急需用现代的科学知识来加以提高、研究、阐明,这一点是完全可以做到的。 In a word, the traditional Chinese medicine, the representative of oriental medicine, need to be and can be modernized by modern scientific knowledge and methods to achieve further development and a better understanding by people all over the world. 针刀医学的重要内容之一,就是将中医学现代化,而且是从基础理论方面使之现代化,针刀医学关于中医现代化的研究是顺应了历史的要求,是时代必然。 One of the important objects of Acupotomology is to realize the modernization of the traditional Chinese medicine, especially on fundamental theory. Our research on modernization of traditional Chinese medicine can satisfy both history demands and the natural request of our generation. (二)意义 II. The Historical Significance of Accupotomy 1、 预示着东西方文化的大融合的时代已经到来。 a. It indicates that the great cultures' integration age has been arrived. 2、 指导着医学的发展方向。 b.It shows the modern medicines' development direction. 3、 为许多疾病找到真实病因,在诊断和治疗上实现了突破性进展。 c.With its help, we find out that real pathogeny for many diseases and get breakthrough in diagnosis and treatment. 4、 增加人类治疗疾病的能力,极大地提高了疗效、减少了痛苦、节省了费用。 d.It strengthens human being's ability in diseases' treatment, improves the curative effect, lessens the pain and lowers the cost. 深信,随着人们对针刀医学的深入了解和运用在不久的将来针刀医学将会成为并且一定会成为世界的主流医学。 As more and more people learn of and benefit from this brand-new therapy, I believe that accupotomy would become one of world medicines' mainstream in recent future. 针刀图 |